Segnali d’Italia (Signs of Italian Excellence)
The Museum of the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives is one of the main features of #segnaliditalia, multi-subject campaign sponsored by IGPDecaux. The campaign focuses on examples of excellence in the local area, highlighting the better and little known places, people and stories that have managed to create something new, valid, and of service to the community, emphasizing creativity, renewal and development.
ilCartastorie is one of many other examples that enrich the city of Naples such as the Catacombs of San Gaudioso, the Archaeological Museum of Naples, COMICON, il filo di Partenope, Vascitour Turismo, Made in Cloister, Parco dei Murales Ponticelli, and Mad Entertainment.
The objective of “Segnali d’Italia” goes beyond a description of the stories and it expands toward the involvement of the local population. A true “call to action” to ask the inhabitants to point out lesser known people that deserve to be recognized for the quality, the innovation, and the effectiveness of their initiatives and creations.
Citizens from Parma and Naples will have the opportunity to post a photograph and recount the stories like those featured in the IGPDecaux campaign on social networks such as Instagram, promoting the stories of excellence found in their city using the hashtag #segnaliditalia and #igpdecaux.
IGPDecaux established the campaign the with the support of the Cities of Naples and Parma.
The creativity of the “Segnali d’Italia” campaign is under the direction of Cookies & Partners, under the artisti direction of ArtsForwhich coordinated the photographers in collaboration with Leica Camera Italia, Simone Mizzotti and Ettore Moni in Parma, Chiara Arturo and Eduardo Castaldo in Naples. The Communication Advisor of the project is The Round Table.
Visit the website –> http://segnaliditalia.it/