Financial Cultural Heritage Prize
The IFFM is an international network of museums dedicated to economics and finance, including the among many others the [Intesa Sanpaolo] Museum of Saving in Turin, the Museum of American Finance in New York, the Interactive Museum of Economics in Mexico City, and the Museum of Finance in Beijing. With this prize, the Federation intends to promote and preserve the artistic/cultural patrimony of the financial institutions of the world.
The mission of the network is to stimulate more collaboration between member museums, to facilitate the exchange of materials and didactic content, and to encourage information and knowledge sharing by developing and implementing ideas and innovative programs for the development of financial education at a global level.
With this in mind, the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, the largest historical bank archives in the world, with its Museum ilCartastorie represents an experience which promotes a patrimony of inestimable value and renders it accessible to the local community.
We would like to thank the Museum of Saving in Turin and its Director Giovanna Paladino for nominating us for the prize.