Singer-songwriter Maldestro releases “History and Beauty” at the Archives
Summer at ilCartastorie began with the sound of music. On Monday, June 26, the singer-songwriter Maldestro gave us a sneak preview of his new single “La storia e la bellezza” (History and Beauty) in the courtyard of the Historical Archives of the Banco di Napoli. The song was directly inspired by the atmosphere here among the largest archival collection of bank documents in the world.
The piece, produced and arranged by Gigi De Rienzo, has become the soundtrack of the museum and a part of the activities aimed at the promotion of ilCartastorie as a musical venue, which is a joint project in collaboration with the Campania Music Commission, along with Arealive. The initiative aims to involve local artists in order to promote young professionals, culture, music and through these activities the entire region, in accordance with the mission of the CMC, a foundation partner.
For those who do not speak Italian, here is a loose translation of the lyrics:
History and Beauty
I am history, and this is where I live, I am full of rust, and full of dust, and with each moment my delicate memory shifts.
And I remember the lines of those famous actors on the stage, the finest brushstrokes on the canvas, and the brave hearts as insurrections raged. I think of all those well-worn streets, but I also know the gutter; I am the history and beauty of the young girls victims of criminals, cruel and utter.
Come away with me, among the unexplored shelves, come with me, so lucky it’s here we find ourselves. Come away with me, because there’s no time to waste; come with me, I have so many more lives to trace…
I’ve known the streetwise and the laborers, the laws which once were passed, commissions of the merchants and the wisdom of the past. I have indeed seen martyrs fold, and courtiers sip their wine, they have the very same passion that secret love defines.
I have seen you live, and seen you die, and before you left I saw you cry.
Come away with me, among the unexplored shelves, come with me, so lucky it’s here we find ourselves. Come away with me, because there’s no time to waste; come with me, I have so many more lives to trace…
Life surrounds all of us and moves a certain way, the insignificant events that make up every single day.
I am history, and this is where I live, I am full of rust, and full of dust, and with each moment my delicate memory shifts.
Sono la storia e vivo qui,
piena di ruggine e di polvere,
ho la memoria delicata
ed ogni istante la fa evolvere.
E mi ricordo le battute
dei grandi attori di una volta
e le migliori pennellate
e il cuore impavido di una rivolta.
Penso alle strade calpestate
e ne conosco tutte le cadute,
sono la storia e la bellezza
delle fanciulle derubate.
Vieni via con me
tra gli scaffali inesplorati.
Tu vieni via con me,
fortuna che ci siamo incontrati.
Vieni via con me
che qui c’è tempo da sbrigare.
Tu vieni via con me,
ti devo ancora raccontare…
Conosco i furbi e i mestieranti,
l’approvazione delle leggi,
le commissioni dei mercanti
e la saggezza dei più vecchi.
Ho visto i martiri piegarsi,
quelli di corte bere vino.
Conservo tutte le passioni
di ogni amore clandestino.
Ti ho visto vivere
e poi morire,
ti ho visto piangere
prima di partire.
E vieni via con me
tra gli scaffali inesplorati
tu vieni via con me…
fortuna che ci siamo incontrati.
Vieni via con me
che qui c’è tempo da sbrigare.
Vieni via con me,
ti devo ancora da raccontare…
La vita che si muove intorno
tutto quello che contiene un solo giorno.
Sono la storia e vivo qui,
piena di ruggine e di polvere,
ho la memoria delicata
ed ogni istante la fa evolvere..